Monday, February 6, 2012

"No Swearing On the Internet" Say Whaaaat?


     Profanity is defined as the use of vulgar language or speech. Profanity is seen or heard everyday in the lives of teenagers around the world. They listen to it in their music, watch it on TV, and maybe even speak it themselves. In today's culture it almost seems like it would be impossible for teens not to catch onto these vulgar tendencies. As these tendencies are exhibited in person, they are also shown on online sites such as Twitter and Facebook. They are actually seen more on these websites.

     Teens today swear and exhibit profanity on the internet today because they feel that they won't get in trouble and that no one important will care or see it at all. Teens feel that it is their choice how they display themselves online, and that their choice of words just helps to do so.

     There is no law that says that we do not have a right to say what we like, right? Freedom of Speech..... But honestly, I understand where some people are coming from when they say that they are against profanity. Not everyone likes to hear or see vulgar things. So as humans, we are suppose to respect people, so vulgar terms should not be exhibited in front of people that do not like vulgarity.

     Today my class was told that we were no long allowed to swear on the internet; that if we did want to swear that we had to create new accounts so that our teacher could not see. I kinda of understand both points of view. Some students believe that they have the right to say what ever they want because it is their life. The teacher believes that profanity does not belong on the internet at all, and definitely not coming out of the mouths of teens. I believe that both perspectives are right to a certain degree.... It just depends on who you are and what your values are.