Monday, March 26, 2012

A March for Justice

     Amends, appeal, authority, authorization, charter, code, compensation, constitutionality, correction, due process, equity, evenness, integrity, legality, legitimacy, reparation, sanction, truth.

Trayvon Martin
     Above, are all different words that mean the same thing. Justice. Can we please get some for Trayvon Martin? A month ago today, an innocent 17 year old boy was shot in the chest for no good reason. His murderer claims self defense, but what was he threatened by? A bag of skittles?

In the last month, millions of people have been made aware of the situation. And many of these people have began to take action. Their actions, they hope, will finally lead to justice. Celebrities, as well as the President of the United States have taken action. President Barack Obama has demanded for a full investigation of Trayvon's murder. In a press conference he also said, "If I had a son, he'd look like Trayvon". Although the president's statement resulted in a lot of criticism, many people took it to heart.
The Miami Heat (NBA basketball team)

Dwyane Wade
     Celebrites such as Spike Lee, LeBron James, and Will Ferrell have taken various actions to make sure justice is served. Spike Lee spreads the word through twitter and has also backed up the president on his statement and demand for justice. LeBron James, among with many other stars have posted pictures of themselves in a hoodie with Trayvon's face. Will Ferrell has donated money to the newly founded Trayvon Martin Foundation which fights racism.

     In many cities all over America there have been hooded marches and rallies in search of justice for Trayvon Martin and his family. There are more ways that just marching to get justice. Spread the word through twitter, facebook, blogs, etc. Sign Trayvon's petition. Or just pray.


  1. I really liked how you told what people were doing to try and bring justice to Trayvon because he deserves it.

  2. I think the fact that even the Miami Heat are participating just goes to show exactly how severe this case is
